Scorpio Compatibility with Aquarius
Who is the perfect match for Scorpio? In the horoscope, how compatible you and your partner are is indicated by comparing your Zodiac signs. They also show how your fathers get along with you two and with each other.
Scorpio Compatibility
The perturber meets the philosopher.
When Scorpio and Aquarius become acquainted, they are curious to learn what makes the other one tick. This mutual curiosity can lead to a relation, sometimes lasting and deepening.
Scorpio sees it as revealing the other’s inner feelings, which is a complicated thing to do with Aquarius. Aquarius, on the other hand, sees it as a process towards understanding Scorpio’s mentality – again something not done in a heartbeat. The mystery they both experience also goes for their relation – none of them is fully at grips with why they stay together. It’s confusing, and that they love.
If they break up, it’s because they feel they have gotten to know each other, so that the mystery is gone. Then they just slowly slide apart.

Love Match Astrology for the Zodiac Signs
How Your Fathers Compare
This depends more on the Zodiac signs of the two persons in the relationship than the signs of their fathers, which are not considered here:
Their fathers are both quite interested in the relation of their children. The Scorpio father wants to test its durability and nature, whereas the Aquarius father tries to help the couple grow more aware of what their relation is really like. The fathers might even explore each other initially, but with increasing sense of anxiety. Then they stay out of each other’s hair.
Scorpio Compatibility
Sign by Sign
Sun Sign Compatibility and Gender
When looking at how compatible Zodiac signs are in relationships, it makes no difference what gender they are. Their Zodiac sign traits and how they match are the same, whether they are male or female.
Zodiac Sign Calculator
If you’re unsure of your Zodiac sign, or if you want to know on what degree (between 0° and 30°) of the sign the sun was at your birth, please visit the Zodiac sign calculator. It’s very easy to use, and then you’ll know for sure. Click the header to get there.
Zodiac Sign Compatibility
To learn about the principles of classical astrology behind Zodiac sign compatibility, what is revealed and what is not revealed about their love match, click the header.